Israeli Violations of Human Rights and International Laws

Israeli Violations of Human Rights and International Laws: The Ongoing Conflict in Gaza and the Failure of International Accountability


Since the occupation of Palestine in 1948, Israel has conducted extensive military, economic, political, and social operations against the Palestinians, consistently violating numerous international laws and human rights regulations.

The establishment of Israel itself involved breaking laws and disregarding internationally approved norms. However, this was just the beginning of Israel’s violations of international laws and treaties. This report will focus on the most important violations committed by this regime

Examples of Israeli Violations of Human Rights and International Laws

Occupation of Palestine

On the 15th of May every year, Nakba Day is observed as a reminder of the occupation of the historical land of Palestine. International law condemns the military occupation of a country or a part of it, and Israel’s occupation of Palestine since 1948 is a clear violation of these laws.

Annexation of Palestinian territories

In 2022, the United Nations Independent Commission of International Investigation confirmed that the occupation of Palestinian territories and Israel’s actions to annex Palestinian land are illegal according to international law.

Mass killing of Palestinians

According to the report from the Palestinian Information Center, the number of Palestinians and Arabs who have been killed both inside and outside Palestine since October 7, 1948, and the Operation Aqsa storm exceeds 100,000 individuals.

According to the Palestinian Information Center, a total of 11,358 Palestinians have been killed since the start of the Al-Aqsa intifada. Prior to Israel’s recent war in Gaza, the highest number of Palestinian fatalities occurred in 2014, with 2,240 individuals losing their lives in the conflict.


Following the 1967 Six-Day War, Israel began constructing settlements in Palestinian territories, a move deemed illegal under international law. These settlements are currently situated in the West Bank of the Jordan River, including East Jerusalem, and the Syrian-occupied Golan Heights. Previously, Israeli settlements existed in the Sinai Peninsula and the Gaza Strip; however, Israel removed 18 settlements from the Sinai after the Camp David Agreement and evacuated 21 settlements in Gaza and 4 in the West Bank during the 2005 withdrawal plan.

Data from the Israeli Central Bureau of Statistics indicates that by the end of 2018, the number of Israeli settlers had reached 428,000. The establishment of Israeli settlements in these areas is in violation of international law and breaches the Fourth Geneva Convention. The International Criminal Court views the construction of these settlements as potential war crimes.

Israel’s development of settlements in East Jerusalem and the occupied portion of the Golan Heights is considered contrary to international laws, as both regions are recognized as under occupation by Israel under international law.


In a recent report released in February, Amnesty International characterized Israel’s treatment of Palestinians as indicative of racial discrimination, labeling Israel as an apartheid regime. The report, spanning 280 pages, outlines Israel’s alleged crimes against humanity, including the widespread confiscation of land and property, unlawful deaths, causing serious bodily harm, forced displacements, imposition of arbitrary limitations on movement, and the withholding of citizenship, among various other cruel practices.

Repeated military attacks on Gaza

Prior to the recent assault, Israel conducted four prolonged military invasions of Gaza in 2008, 2012, 2014, and 2021, resulting in the deaths of numerous Palestinians, including a significant number of children, as well as the destruction of tens of thousands of residences, educational institutions, and administrative structures. These offensives have been deemed as breaches of United Nations regulations.

Banning Movement

Israel has enforced a border closure mechanism that restricts the unrestricted movement of Palestinians between Gaza and the West Bank, their entry into the 1948 territories, and their departure from Palestinian territories. Furthermore, the proliferation of checkpoints obstructs Palestinian mobility along paths and highways. Additionally, Palestinians are unable to travel to the West Bank and East Jerusalem without obtaining specific permits.

Before the recent conflict in the West Bank, approximately 175 permanent checkpoints were operational, independent of the numerous temporary halts and roadblocks, along with the implementation of intrusive biometric surveillance systems on roadways.

Gaza Strip siege

The unlawful blockade of the Gaza Strip was initiated in 2007 and persists to this day. This restrictive measure has led to the loss of lives among many Palestinians, including the sick and children. According to a United Nations report, the blockade of Gaza is in violation of international human rights laws.

The blockade policy has been intensified following each Palestinian operation, resulting in the separation of families, restricted access to religious sites, and disrupted educational patterns for Palestinians. It has become increasingly challenging for individuals in Gaza and the West Bank to attend schools and universities elsewhere. The economic ramifications of this policy have been profoundly detrimental, with significant declines in incomes, escalating unemployment rates, and a rise in poverty among Palestinian households. The United Nations Human Rights Commissioner has declared that Israel’s complete blockade of the Gaza Strip is illegal under international and humanitarian laws.

Forced eviction

According to the International Refugee Organization report, 7 million Palestinians have been displaced globally since 1948. The UNRWA (United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East) report estimates that around one million people are internally displaced across the Gaza Strip, with over half seeking refuge in UNRWA facilities.

Use of prohibited weapons

In addition to the ongoing conflict, Israel has been accused of using internationally banned weapons such as white phosphorus against Palestinians during the 2008 war. White phosphorus is an incendiary substance that can cause severe burns and is highly flammable, posing a significant risk when used in densely populated areas. The use of white phosphorus in this manner is prohibited by international law.

Attack on medical, educational and socio-cultural centers

Attacking hospitals and medical facilities is considered a war crime under international law. Despite this, Israel bombed the only hospital in Gaza, and the World Health Organization has documented 171 confirmed attacks on Palestinian medical facilities and personnel since October 7. The Geneva Conventions, specifically Article 18 and 19 of Geneva Convention No. 4, explicitly condemn attacks on hospitals and medical staff during armed conflicts.

Cut off access to water, food, electricity and internet

Israel’s actions in cutting off essential services such as water, electricity, and the Internet in the Gaza Strip, particularly during times of conflict, have put the lives of millions of Palestinians at risk. These restrictions create dire humanitarian conditions for the 2.3 million residents, with 80% in need of aid.

The Gaza Strip is already one of the most densely populated areas globally, with about two million people living in a small area. According to UNRWA, more than half of the population suffers from food insecurity and lives below the poverty line. Such actions by Israel not only violate international laws and human rights but also exacerbate the already dire living conditions in Gaza.


The rules and regulations established under the UN Human Rights Convention were designed to prevent the types of widespread violence and human rights violations seen during past conflicts, particularly World Wars I and II. The conventions were signed by all countries with the intention of promoting peace and respect for human rights.

Israel’s actions in conducting massive attacks against Palestinians have been widely condemned as violations of international human rights law and the Laws of Armed Conflict, which govern the treatment of civilians, soldiers, and prisoners of war during conflicts. Despite these rules being binding on all countries, Israel has been accused of repeatedly violating them with impunity. The failure of international monitoring bodies such as the UN Security Council and the International Criminal Court to effectively address these violations raises concerns about the inconsistent application of international laws and the presence of double standards in enforcing them.

The ongoing conflict in Gaza serves as a stark reminder that, despite the existence of laws and regulations intended to protect civilians during times of war, challenges remain in ensuring accountability for those who violate these principles. Efforts to address these issues and promote justice and accountability for all parties involved in conflicts must remain a priority for the international community.

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