What is the "curse of the eighth decade" and why are Zionist Jews so terrified of it?

What is the “curse of the eighth decade” and why are Zionist Jews so terrified of it?

Delve into the intriguing concept of the “curse of the eighth decade” and its impact on Zionist Jews. Uncover predictions, historical perspectives, and the looming questions surrounding the potential collapse of Israel by 2028


In this article, we will delve into the profound belief among Zionist Jews that their regime faces an ominous fate, bound by the enigmatic “curse of the eighth decade.” As we navigate through predictions, historical perspectives, and the imminent questions surrounding the potential collapse of Israel by 2028, join us on a journey into the intricacies of this thought-provoking concept.

Unveiling Israel’s Unseen Fears: The Enigma of the Curse of the Eighth Decade

Despite the extensive financial, military, and legal support from both American and European allies, Israel finds itself grappling with a looming apprehension that transcends external aid. In recent times, a pervasive notion has taken root, asserting that the Israeli regime is in the twilight of its existence, poised on the brink of collapse. This conviction has gained considerable traction among the Jewish population residing in the Occupied Territories.

As the Zionist Jews commemorated the 74th anniversary of the establishment of their regime in occupied Palestine this past May, a recurring theme has surfaced in the rhetoric of various Zionist officials—the ominous “Curse of the Eighth Decade.” This discourse has persisted, serving as an ominous harbinger of Israel’s impending fall in the years ahead, even before the completion of its 80-year mark.

But what is the curse of the eighth decade? What are the views of the Zionist politicians and thinkers in this regard, and how are the Palestinians preparing themselves for this phase?

In attempting to comprehend the essence of the curse of the eighth decade, one must navigate through the varied viewpoints espoused by Zionist leaders. The unsettling premonitions articulated by figures within the political spectrum prompt reflection on the potential catalysts behind the foreseen collapse. How these concerns are addressed within the framework of Israeli politics and governance becomes pivotal in decoding the narrative surrounding the curse of the eighth decade.

Foretelling Israel’s Fate: The 80-Year Timeline and the Looming Eighth Decade Curse

Many Jews in the Occupied Territories believe that their regime will not last more than 80 years. This means that “Israel”, which was established on May 14, 1948, after the end of British rule over Palestine and the occupation of Arab lands, will be destroyed before 2028.

This belief is rooted in a historical belief that states that since the two previous Jewish governments (the kingdoms of David and Solomon and the Kingdom of Hasmoneans) did not last more than 80 years, therefore, their third government will not last longer.

Unveiling the Countdown: The Curse of the Eighth Decade

Israeli Predictions

Joseph Massad, professor of Modern Arab Politics and Intellectual History at the Columbia University, elucidates the possibility of Israel’s destruction in the near future: “The collapse of Israel is an issue that frightens the colonial powers of the West, who are desperately seeking to ensure Israel’s survival, and it is an issue that has terrified the Israelis themselves.”

Massad believes that this fear of the “curse of the eighth decade” stems from the fear of repeating history, because the name of their regime is derived from the name of the state of Israel, which is one of the reasons for comparing the fate of the ancient Hebrew state with the current regime.

There will be no Israel in 2027

The imminent collapse of Israel is not only a Jewish issue, said Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, founder of the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) in 1999, who said that “Israel is on the verge of collapse and will end in the first quarter of the 21st century.” “Israel will not exist in 2027,” he said.

In his speech, Sheikh Ahmad Yassin quoted verses from the Qur’an stating that generations change every 40 years, and said: “The first forty years of Israel (1948 from the founding of Israel until 1987) were years of Nakba. The second forty years begin with the first intifada in late 1987 and end by 2027 at the hands of the generation of freedom.”

He warned about the curse of the eighth decade
Sheikh Ahmed Yassin – Palestinian politician and imam who founded Hamas

Numerical predictions of Bassam Jarrar

In this regard, Bassam Jarrar, a Palestinian thinker and researcher, and the author of The Fall of Israel in 2022 AD a Prophecy or a Numerical Coincidence, in which he documents his research on numerical miracles in the Qur’an, which contradicts with the statements of Sheikh Yassin.

He says that Sheikh Ahmed Yassin’s prediction refers only to the forty years of wandering of the Bani Israel mentioned in the Qur’an, while his research shows that there is a 95% chance that Israel will be destroyed by 2022.

In his prediction, Jarrar refers to verses four to seven of Surah Isra ‘and explains that the words of prediction in the Surah are 1443, which is the entire age of the Bani Israel, that is, 76 years, and it is also mentioned in the Torah.

He adds the number 76 to the year of the founding of Israel (1367) to get the number 1443 and declares it the year of the collapse of Israel, which is equivalent to 2022 AD.

Politicians Echo the Ominous: Israeli Leaders and the Eighth Decade Curse

Many Israeli politicians in their speeches refer to the “curse of the eighth decade” and emphasize on the unity and solidarity of the Jews of Israel and urge to avoid divisions, which are the reasons behind the collapse and decline of their regime.

Ehud Barak: The real threat lies in internal disputes

Former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak, in an article published in the Zionist newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth on May 4, 2022, expressed his concern about the imminent destruction of Israel before the end of the eighth decade. Citing Jewish history, he stressed: “Throughout the Jewish history, the Jews did not rule for more than eighty years, except in the two kingdoms of David and the Hasmonean dynasty and, in both periods, their disintegration began in the eighth decade.”

Eighth decade curse nears because of internal conflicts
Ehud Barak is an Israeli former general and politician who served as the tenth prime minister from 1999 to 2001

Naftali Bennett: If we are not together, we will not exist

This is the most important part of the speech of Naftali Bennett, the Prime Minister of Israel, at the memorial service for the victims of May 3rd. In this speech, Bennett pointed out that the Jewish people had not been able to maintain a unified state earlier due to internal differences, although Israel is now fully prepared to face any threat, but the proportion of internal disputes that can lead to the fall and collapse is very alarming.

Benny Gantz’s Alarm: Israel’s Path Towards Its End

Israel’s Minister of Defense, Benny Gantz at the meeting of the “Blue and White” party read a message on the WhatsApp application that talked about the destruction of Israel and its control by the Arabs. In confirming this message, he said: “Whoever published this message is right, the fact is that Israel is on the way towards its end.”

The prediction of Israeli historians

The prediction of the imminent collapse of Israel is not limited to the politicians of this regime, but it seems that Israeli historians had predicted the danger of the collapse and destruction of the imminent fall of Israel before the politicians for other reasons. Benny Morris tops the list of these historians.

Benny Morris is a member of the “New Historians” movement who admitted the crimes of the Zionists against the Palestinians. However, they did not oppose the ethnic cleansing of Arabs from the Palestine or removing any obstacle or any action in the path of establishing Israel and maintaining its existence.

Historians Predicting Doom: Benny Morris and the Inevitable Collapse
Benny Morris is an Israeli historian.

However, Morris believes that there is no future for Israel, because the population of Arabs living in the region between Jordan and the Mediterranean Sea is more than Jews, and this supremacy leads to inevitable consequences, the most important of which is the formation of a government with an Arab majority, in which the Jews will be a minority and will be persecuted.

Morris believes that within the next 30 to 50 years, they will see the collapse of Israel, which is numerically at odds with the “curse of the eighth decade”.

Abraham Borg: Israel’s situation is similar to Nazi Germany before its collapse

Members of Israel’s “Knesset” also believe that the time of Israel’s collapse is approaching, among these people is “Abraham Borg”, the head of Israel’s Knesset, who believes that the Israeli regime is hastening its collapse by violating democracy and human values. In 2007, Borg published a book titled “Victory over Hitler” in which he wrote: The situation in Israel is similar to the situation in Nazi Germany before its collapse.

Israel’s lifespan mentioned in the Torah is 76 years

Adnan Abu Tabaneh, a Palestinian historian, revealed that the life of the Hebrew regime in Torah prophecies and according to what is stated in the old texts of the orthodox Jewish Rabbis is “76 years”. And the last rabbi of this type, “Attaullah” in Hebrew means “Netanyahu”, who emphasized this statement.

Israel's lifespan mentioned in the Torah confirms the curse of the eighth decade
Israel’s lifespan mentioned in the Torah is 76 years


In conclusion, the prevailing sentiments surrounding the “Curse of the Eighth Decade” cast a shadow over Israel’s future, drawing from historical beliefs, numerical predictions, and the apprehensions expressed by diverse voices. From the prophetic insights of Joseph Massad to the numeric speculations of Bassam Jarrar, and the political concerns echoed by Israeli leaders, the specter of an impending collapse looms large. The juxtaposition of historical parallels, dire predictions from esteemed historians like Benny Morris, and even the unsettling comparison to Nazi Germany by figures like Abraham Borg paint a complex portrait of Israel’s fate. As we navigate through these varied perspectives, the enigma of the eighth decade curse continues to captivate, leaving us with a profound contemplation of what the future holds for the state of Israel.

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