Bin Salman's Reforms: Misleading Claims or Reality?

Bin Salman’s Reforms: Misleading Claims or Reality?

Unpacking the debate over Bin Salman’s reforms amid mounting skepticism and scrutiny at the UN Human Rights Council.


Bin Salman’s Reforms Under Scrutiny at United Nations Human Rights Council

The purported reforms initiated under the leadership of Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman in Saudi Arabia have come under intense scrutiny during the 55th session of the United Nations Human Rights Council. As Saudi officials present their stance on human rights advancements in the kingdom, criticisms mount regarding the validity and sincerity of these claims.

The European Saudi Organization for Human Rights has particularly raised concerns about the misleading portrayal of Bin Salma’s reforms amidst a backdrop of escalating oppression and human rights violations within the country.

This article delves into the discrepancies between official narratives of progress and the stark reality faced by individuals within Saudi Arabia, shedding light on the contentious issues surrounding Bin Salman’s reforms as they are debated on an international platform.

Human Rights Organization Criticizes Saudi Officials

A human rights organization has criticized the Saudi officials for their misleading and scandalous misrepresentations of the alleged human rights reforms in Saudi Arabia. This comes amidst a backdrop of escalating oppression and tyranny in the country.

Saudi Arabia’s Representation at the United Nations Human Rights Council

This statement was delivered by the Saudi Arabian representative during the 55th session of the United Nations Human Rights Council, which took place in Geneva on February 26, 2024. The representative reiterated Saudi Arabia’s official assertions regarding human rights and its commitment to collaborating with international mechanisms.

Saudi Foreign Minister’s Assertions

During the meeting, Faisal bin Farhan, the Foreign Minister of Saudi Arabia, stated that his country places significant emphasis on United Nations mechanisms in the realm of human rights and engages effectively in this regard. He also highlighted that the Saudi government is currently prioritizing efforts to support individuals and society, as well as enhance living and livelihood conditions.

Misleading Claims of Saudi Officials on Bin Salman's reforms
Faisal bin Farhan, the Foreign Minister of Saudi Arabia at Geneva

Response from European Saudi Human Rights Organization

In response, the European Saudi Organization for Human Rights pointed out discrepancies between the rhetoric and reality of Saudi reforms.

The organization highlighted while the Foreign Minister of Saudi Arabia speaks about enhancing living conditions in the country, the continued use of the death penalty in Saudi Arabia as a political and retaliatory tool deprives thousands of individuals of their right to life.

While the Foreign Minister of Saudi Arabia speaks about enhancing living conditions and Bin Salman's Reforms in the country, the continued use of the death penalty in Saudi Arabia as a political and retaliatory tool deprives thousands of individuals of their right to life.
The continued use of the death penalty in Saudi Arabia as a political and retaliatory tool deprives thousands of individuals of their right to life.

Human Rights Abuses and Executions

Since 2015, Saudi Arabia has carried out nearly 1,300 executions of Saudi citizens based on fabricated charges and without fair trials. Of significant concern is the fact that numerous children have been among those executed, and the lives of hundreds of individuals, including children, dissenters, political prisoners, and advocates of freedom of expression, are under threat of execution.
Bin Salman's so called Reforms and Child executions continue
Abdullah al-Darazi, Abdullah al-Huwaiti and Jalal Labbad (l-r), three of the them facing execution

Ambiguous Language and Deflection

The organization highlighted in its report that the Foreign Minister of Saudi Arabia, along with other officials from the country, employed ambiguous and unclear language when addressing the human rights situation in Saudi Arabia.
This tactic was seen as an attempt to deflect attention from Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman’s evasion of international human rights responsibilities. The Minister’s statements focused solely on the significance of respecting diverse values and the rights of countries to adhere to their respective legal systems.
As per the organization’s findings, Saudi Arabia often cites privacy, internal matters, and non-interference in internal affairs as pretexts and justifications to perpetuate its lethal operations and suppress freedom of speech and other fundamental liberties.
The speech also asserted that Saudi Arabia is keen on advancing and broadening its notion of “comprehensive human rights” through Mohammed bin Salman’s 2030 Development Vision. However, many Saudi residents are currently experiencing hardships due to the economic initiatives outlined in this vision. Forced displacement, such as in Jeddah and Al-Awamiyyah, is one of the measures that have been enforced against the residents of Saudi Arabia.
Bin Salman's Reforms and forced displacement
The Dark Side Of NEOM

Manipulative Legislative Changes

Despite the Foreign Minister of Saudi Arabia mentioning advancements in the legal framework for non-governmental organizations and human rights institutions in his speech, subsequent observations indicate that recent legislative changes in the country do not prioritize supporting victims of human rights abuses. Instead, these changes are perceived as manipulating laws rather than genuinely addressing human rights concerns.
Bin Farhan highlighted the empowerment of women and the rights of immigrants in his remarks, emphasizing the development of these rights. However, recent years have seen significant violations of women’s rights in Saudi Arabia, including arrests, torture, unfair trials, restrictions on women activists and human rights defenders, and instances of violence against them.
Bin Salman's Reforms and suppression of women activists and human rights defenders
Women activists and human rights defenders who face challenges in Saudi

Concerns over Worker Treatment

In addition to the reported violations, there are concerns about the illegal killing of workers at borders and the ongoing practice of the kafala system, which the United Nations views as a form of modern slavery.
Bin Salman's Reforms and illegal killing of workers at borders
Migrant workers in Queue

Questionable Implementation of Recommendations

While the Foreign Minister of Saudi Arabia asserts that the country has implemented 85% of the human rights recommendations, the European Saudi Human Rights Organization has reported witnessing illegal actions by the Saudi delegation at the Human Rights Council meeting. These actions allegedly involved tampering with statistics and figures, particularly concerning laws related to children and the eradication of torture.

Palestinian Solidarity and Suppression

Bin Farhan concluded his speech by addressing the dire situation of Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, highlighting the suppression of any solidarity and support for Palestinians within Saudi Arabia.
Saudi With Palestine or against Palestine?
Flags of Israel and Saudi Arabia
The European Saudi Organization for Human Rights has underscored that the speech delivered by the Saudi Foreign Minister at the Human Rights Council meeting is part of a pattern of repeated attempts by Saudi Arabia to enhance its image and conceal human rights violations in the country.
The organization believes that both the Minister of Foreign Affairs and the head of the Human Rights Commission of this country are attempting to portray a false image of Saudi Arabia that does not align with the reality of executions and the deprivation of basic citizenship rights.


Unveiling the Truth Behind Bin Salman’s Reforms

As the discourse surrounding Bin Salman’s touted reforms unfolds, a stark reality emerges: are these reforms genuine strides towards progress or merely misleading claims? The mounting evidence presented by human rights organizations paints a troubling picture, revealing a pattern of deception and manipulation aimed at whitewashing systemic human rights abuses.

Despite official assertions of advancement, the discrepancy between rhetoric and reality casts doubt on the sincerity of Saudi Arabia’s reform agenda. From ambiguous language deflecting attention from abuses to questionable legislative changes and persistent violations, the credibility of Bin Salman’s reforms comes under intense scrutiny.

Ultimately, the persistent pattern of misrepresentation underscores the urgent need for transparency, accountability, and genuine commitment to human rights in Saudi Arabia. Saudi citizens hope for true reform be achieved, free from the shadow of deception and manipulation.

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