TikTok Algorithm Secrets to Create Viral Videos (Part 1)

TikTok Algorithm Secrets to Create Viral Videos (Part 1)

Mastering TikTok’s algorithm is no longer a secret, you can now create viral videos that resonate with the platform’s millions of users.

TikTok’s algorithm may initially appear shrouded in mystery, making it daunting to master. If you’ve uploaded videos without receiving the desired engagement and encouragement to create more, you’re not alone. However, TikTok has since shed light on its algorithmic secrets, revealing the intricacies of how it evaluates videos based on factors such as duration, music selection, playback behavior, hashtag usage, and visibility on the coveted For You page.

Here is the essential information to assist you to create viral videos that align with the TikTok algorithm and have the potential to go viral on the platform.

10 Essential Steps to Create Viral Videos to Reach the For You Page

Step 1: Video Duration

To increase your chances of creating viral content, it’s crucial to optimize your video’s length. According to TikTok’s algorithm, videos between 15 and 30 seconds perform best. As a new user, aim for a duration of 15-20 seconds. However, if you’re an experienced creator, you can opt for 25-30 seconds, especially when using popular music tracks. This strategy helps ensure that followers engage with your content for a higher percentage of its duration, which is a key factor in the algorithm’s favor.


Step 2: Captivate Your Audience

Data analysis reveals that a previous benchmark of 35% video duration viewed was sufficient for a positive engagement. However, a recent analysis from December indicates that a video engagement is now considered positive only when more than 75% of a 15-second video or at least 40-50% of a 30-second video is viewed.

Step 3: Expand Your Reach

TikTok’s algorithms favor accounts that successfully create viral videos by prioritizing views from the For You page, which is the feed that appears after logging into the app. This includes not only views from individual users who have been sent videos, but also those who discover new content through the For You page.

Step 4: Foster User Engagement to Create Viral Videos

To create viral videos on TikTok, it’s essential to understand how the algorithm works. The TikTok algorithm curates a feed of videos for users to engage with. If a user interacts with a particular piece of content, the algorithm will serve them more videos with similar content. One crucial factor that boosts the video to become viral is when interaction rates (likes, shares, comments, etc.) surpass 20% of total views. Notably, TikTok stands out from other platforms in that users are more likely to engage with content they love. As such, crafting an attractive and captivating video is essential for gaining entry into the coveted For You page.

Step 5: Account or Device Settings

TikTok allows you to reach a global audience, but initially, it prioritizes showcasing your videos to users within your local region. To maximize your reach, create content that resonates with diverse groups in your area by catering to their needs and interests. This approach will increase the likelihood of engaging users and encouraging interactions.

However, the question remains: How do new TikTok accounts go viral? The platform’s algorithm displays all videos to interested users, regardless of the account’s reputation or popularity. When you post a video:

The algorithm serves it to the account’s followers and people who are most likely to be interested in the content, regardless of the account’s age. This means that new personal accounts can still reach a small but engaged audience. So, how do you create viral videos? It all comes down to user interaction. .

Yes, user interaction determines a video’s fate and distribution. Do viewers watch until the end? Do they leave comments, likes, or shares? A positive response from users informs the algorithm to show the video to an even broader audience, increasing its visibility and potential for virality.


Step 6: A Short Comment

On TikTok, brevity is key. With a character limit of 150 (plus hashtags), you need to convey your message in a concise and engaging way. To do this, focus on using the fewest words possible, but make sure they’re powerful and attention-grabbing. For instance, you could say something like, “It took me five attempts to get it right – watch until the end to see what I learned!” or “Keep watching until the very end for the big reveal.” You can also try using thought-provoking questions, humor, or cliffhangers to keep your audience engaged and eager to interact with your content. By doing so, you’ll increase the chances of your post appearing on the coveted TikTok home page.

Step 7: Encourage Duets

One way to boost engagement on TikTok is by creating duets, where you combine your video with another user’s content. Duets can be especially effective for service-based videos, as they allow you to collaborate with other users and create fresh content. Make sure to keep your duet clips relevant and up-to-date with current trends.

To encourage duets, consider creating humorous videos that naturally lend themselves to interaction. Adding pauses or interactive elements can also stimulate audience engagement. The more duets your videos receive, the more likely you have been successful to create viral video. To encourage even more duets, use the hashtag #duetwithme, which will help attract like-minded users and increase the chances of your content being viewed.

Step 8: Leverage New Features

To get ahead of the game on TikTok, stay up-to-date with the platform’s latest features and editing options. The algorithm favors videos that utilize these new features, such as filters, stickers, effects, templates, and more. When new updates are released, take note of the fresh features and experiment with them to make your content stand out. By doing so, you’ll increase your chances of landing on the coveted home page and reaching a wider audience.

Step 9: Average Finish Rate

To maximize your reach on TikTok, aim for videos that are 15-30 seconds long. This shorter duration allows for a higher average completion rate, which is a key signal to the algorithm that viewers are engaging with your content. To increase the chances of your video being shared and appearing on the For You page, focus on creating content that captivates viewers until the end. Make sure to utilize TikTok’s features, such as filters, effects, and stickers, to keep your audience engaged and interested throughout the video.

TikTok video size guide to create viral videos


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