Global Perspectives on International Quds Day

Global Perspectives on International Quds Day

Global perspectives on International Quds Day: exploring diverse insights from global figures, offering varied reflections on this significant occasion

On the eve of the 45th anniversary of the International Quds Day, we have a look at the views of some world personalities about this day, in which these figures emphasized that the naming of Quds Day by Ayatollah Khomeini, the late leader of the Islamic Revolution, is necessary and exposes the true nature of Israel and the crimes of this regime in order not to forget the Palestinian issue.

“Quds Day is the key to establishing peace in the Middle East and the world”

Professor “Kevin Brett”, American analyst: Al-Quds Day reminds us that the liberation of Palestine has not yet been achieved and Muslims should take steps with greater unity to achieve this goal. He said about the impact of World Quds Day in the shadow of the current developments in the region: Quds Day reminds us that the freedom of Palestine is not the only issue that creates the greatest unity among the Muslims of the world, but Quds Day is the key to establishing peace in the Middle East and the world.

“International Quds Day unites the hearts of Muslims in support of Palestine”

Professor Abdul Sharif”, professor of history at the University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, said about Quds Day: “Every year, this day brings unity between Muslims and the people of the world in support of the issue and cause of the Palestinian nation. Support for Palestine should not be limited to a section of Muslims. Rather, all Muslims and ultimately all freedom-loving people should support the Palestinians.

“Quds Day is necessary to not forget the Palestinian issue”

Professor Lawrence Davidson, author, historian and American: “We are living in an era where there is no more place for colonialism, racism and expansionism. Therefore, if international communities pay attention to the pain and suffering of Palestinians by celebrating days like Quds Day, Israel will no longer be able to erase Palestine from us.

“Quds Day connects the concerns of the Islamic world to the struggles of the Palestinians”

Richard Folk, retired professor of international law at Princeton University and former UN special rapporteur on Palestinian human rights issues, said about his view on the necessity of celebrating the World Quds Day in addition to the current developments in the Middle East region, he said: “World Quds Day, especially in the Islamic world, is a way to express people’s solidarity with the Palestinian struggle, resistance against Israel’s occupation of Quds, and expressing anger against Israel and the expansionism of this regime.

He noted: “Since the Palestinians are the victors in the battle against Israel’s illegal policies and actions, days of solidarity with the Palestinians, such as Quds Day, will help them in this way.”

“Quds Day is a necessity to establish justice in the Middle East”

Professor “Rodney Shakespeare”, professor of economics and a prominent political analyst of England, by enumerating the great importance of celebrating Al-Quds Day in all countries of the world, he emphasized the necessity of this international day in establishing justice in the Middle East and said: Quds Day is a necessity for establishing justice and stability in the Middle East.

He pointed out: The oppression that is being perpetrated on the Palestinian people is the most obvious example of political and national oppression And it can be seen as a form of cultural and religious oppression, because Israel’s goal of this oppression is, in simple terms, a disgusting genocide that ultimately seeks to eliminate all Palestinians from the Palestinian land.

“Quds Day is a scene to remember the suffering of Palestinians”

Spanish anti-Israel writer “Manuel Galiana Roos” referring to the importance of the World Quds Day in the shadow of the current developments in the Middle East region, considered this day as a stage to show and remember the long-standing pain and suffering of the Palestinian people.

While praising the initiative of Ayatollah Khomeini, the late leader of the Islamic Revolution, in naming the World Quds Day, he said: “This naming shows the freedom-loving character of Ayatollah Khomeini and is a proof of his ways and methods.”

“The freedom-loving spirit of Ayatollah Khomeini led to the naming of the International Quds Day”

“Abed Nakhvi”, an Indian journalist, said about the importance of the World Quds Day march: “This day is actually held to renew support for the cause of the Palestinian people to show once again that the people of different countries are still concerned about the Palestinian issue. The Palestinian people also gain additional energy in their struggles through these marches.

Referring to the personality similarity of Ayatollah Khomeini and Gandhi, this media personality said: “These two prominent figures were great leaders of their countries who wanted freedom and tried to achieve freedom. In fact, it was the characteristic of Ayatollah Khomeini’s desire for freedom that led to the naming of the World Quds Day by him.

“Quds Liberation Day”

Indian thinker “Akhtar Mehdi” considers the announcement of the International Quds Day as Ayatollah Khomeini’s legacy for the Muslim nations of the world to realize the freedom of Quds and Palestine and says: “By naming this day, Ayatollah Khomeini made the support of Quds and Palestine universal.”

Considering Imam Khomeini’s statement that if Muslims are united, they will achieve everything, he emphasizes that the Imam’s way should not be forgotten. Imam Khomeini stood against oppression and demanded justice in the world.

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