New Restrictions Faced by Released Saudi Prisoners

New Restrictions Faced by Released Saudi Prisoners

Saudi prisoners are confronting a wave of new restrictions and consequences as the Saudi government implements stringent measures, including limitations on discussing their prison experiences and imposing financial constraints.

Human rights sources have exposed a series of new anti-human measures implemented by the Saudi government against individuals released from detention in Saudi Arabia. One significant restriction involves prohibiting them from discussing their prison experiences and imposing financial constraints.

Warning from Saudi Authorities

The human rights organization “Sanad” reported, citing anonymous sources for security reasons, that Saudi authorities have explicitly warned released prisoners against divulging details of their time in prison, threatening re-arrest for non-compliance.

Financial Constraints for Released Saudi Prisoners

Continuing its report, the organization revealed that Saudi security authorities have further mandated that released prisoners cannot withdraw more than 40,000 Saudi Riyals from their bank accounts daily. This measure poses a direct impact on their business and economic interests, particularly affecting businessmen engaged in various commercial activities.

Violation of Rights and Liberties

According to Sanad, these restrictions complement a series of other measures taken by the Saudi government against released prisoners, constituting a blatant violation of citizens’ rights and human rights. These measures include travel bans and restrictions on the use of media and online networks.

Advocating for Saudi Prisoners’ Rights

In its report, Sanad advocates for an end to such punitive actions against Saudi citizens. The organization underscores that arbitrary arrests remain a critical human rights issue in Saudi Arabia, instilling fear and anxiety among many Saudi citizens.

Endless Punishments: A Concern for Saudi Prisoners

Sanad highlights that the concern among Saudi citizens extends beyond punishments such as the deprivation of freedom, invasion of privacy, secret trials, multiple interrogations, and physical and psychological torture. It emphasizes the perpetual nature of these punishments, with no foreseeable end in sight.

Saudi Prisoners’ Ongoing Struggles: A Life Sentence Beyond Prison Walls

The impact of being a Saudi prisoner extends far beyond release, persisting throughout the individual’s life and affecting their family and relatives. Essentially, political prisoners in Saudi Arabia transition from a confined prison space to a larger societal confinement upon release.

Sanad’s Response to Saudi Prisoners

In response to these ongoing human rights violations against Saudi prisoners, Sanad raises a crucial question: when will these infringements cease? Do these actions not amount to a systematic threat against political and human rights prisoners, hindering their societal and economic roles?

Continued Injustices: A Focus on Saudi Prisoners’ Human Rights Cases

Delving into various human rights cases, Sanad sheds light on a range of injustices faced by Saudi prisoners, including travel bans, perpetual trials, re-arrests, forced residence, and curtailed freedom of expression. It emphasizes that these punishments have become entrenched conditions for released prisoners, subjecting them to multi-year travel bans, exemplified by Sheikh Abdul Rahman Al-Sadahan’s 20-year restriction.

Persistent Travel Bans: Violations of Saudi Prisoners’ Human Rights

Sanad underscores the clear violation of human rights and international treaties, especially in the context of Saudi citizens facing travel bans without legal justification. The Saudi government employs such punitive measures for revenge and pressure, undermining individuals, threatening them, and stifling their activities.

Loujain Al-Hathloul’s Case: A Notable Example

One glaring instance is the case of Loujain Al-Hathloul, a Saudi human and social rights activist. Despite her release from prison in February 2021, she faced a 5-year travel ban and continuous trials, confining her to her city of residence. This raises concerns as banning Saudi citizens from traveling is a clear violation of human rights and international treaties.

One of the released Saudi prisoners Loujain al Hathloul

Beyond Travel Bans: Varied Punishments for Saudi Prisoners

While travel bans are a notable punishment, Sanad reveals that the Saudi government imposes additional restrictions on released prisoners. These encompass bans on writing, freedom of speech, forced residence, account blocking in cyberspace, and prohibition of commercial and economic activities. Examples such as Essam Zamil and Sheikh Abdul Aziz al-Tarifi exemplify the harsh realities faced by Saudi prisoners.

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